What follows is the transcript for the Real Time Conference (RTC) on the subject of Apple Computer's new series of portable computers known as PowerBooks. This RTC was held December 1, 1992 beginning at 10:30 p.m. EST in meeting room 2 of the Macintosh Users Group (MUG) Round Table on GEnie. The featured guest for this RTC was Darryl Rains of Bit Worx, a computer service company with extensive Macintosh experience.
D.E. "Doc" Johnston - Moderator
Transcript follows:
** <MAC.GUEST1> is here.
** <[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> was <MAC.GUEST1>.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi Darryl
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Welcome to the PowerBook RTC, Darryl. Glad you
could be here.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Yup. it took me 15 minutes to get into the
Mac area!!
** <[Kent] DRACO> is here.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Slow response from GEnie?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi, Kent.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Doc!
** <[Vicki] V.LINDSAY> is Monitoring.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Yeah. Its slow as a dog right now.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> I've noticed the same thing. :(
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> It really did take me 15 minutes to get
into here!! I mean 15 minutes!
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi darryl!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Hiya Kent!
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> It took me about 5 minutes.
<[Kent] DRACO> How're you doing tonight?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Tired. Its been a long day!
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Got home late?
** <[Unk] DAVE.REID> is here.
<[Kent] DRACO> Yeah - same here. Just finsihed uploading 8 Mb of Canvas
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi, Dave.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Unk!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> yeah. I got in around 9:00.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> 'lo Dave
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> I'm glad I didn't know about that. <whew>
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> hehe. I told you I would be here didnt I??
<[Unk] DAVE.REID> Hi Darryl, welcome.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> And of course, you've never, ever, been late. :-)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> well... Atleast none that I care to
** <[Vaughn is AF] V.CORDERO> is here.
** <[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> was <[Vaughn is AF] V.CORDERO>.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Welcome to the PowerBook RTC, Vaughn. Glad you
could be here.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Yay! I made it.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Had a little trouble getting here? :-)
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Just a little trouble remembering before two days
had elapsed after the RTC :)
<[Unk] DAVE.REID> I'm gonna let all you PowerBook freaks go at it, I'll
see y'all later.
Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Later Dave.
** <BIBLIA> is here.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Tonight our special guest is Darryl Rains of Bit
Worx, an Apple Certified repair technician.
** <[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> was <BIBLIA>.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Leonard!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Hi Leonard!
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> HI ALL!
** <[Unk] DAVE.REID> has left.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> 'lo Biblia
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi Leonard.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Hi, Daarryl!
<[Kent] DRACO> Glad to have you back, Darryl!
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Has anyone got a question for Darryl?
<[Kent] DRACO> (just questions about rumors)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Thanks all. Good to be back among the Mac
type folks.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Well, I'll start it off then.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darryl, I just got a PowerPad today. The ADB
numeric key pad. The instructions say that I can safely plug it in with the PB
asleep. Is that so?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Well: In general, is someone who is comfortable
with the pracautions to work inside a compact Mac (with those nice flybacks)
skilled enought o add and remove components say like additional RAM and
internal modems to Powerbooks and Duos, Darryl?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Sorry Doc, for barging in.... seems like we got a
sluggish GEnie tonite.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> To answer Davids question. You can remove
or install any device while the PB is asleep. None of the ports, except the
keyboard are active. You can change the battery aswell.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> No problem, Vaughn.
<[Kent] DRACO> WOW! I didn't know that!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Does that exclude the ADB port then, Darryl?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> (since it is active)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> As far as I know, only the internal
keyboard is active while asleep. I know you cant wake one up with the mouse, so
I would assume the same is true for a keyboard. I could try it and let you
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> OK. Gotcha.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> But if it were me I would plug in the
adapter, before I changed the battery.
<[Kent] DRACO> The three little lithium batteries will keep the PB
active in sleep while the main battery is out?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Kent, Apple says they would not. But they
do for me.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Question: But in any PB other than the 100, the
contents of RM are lost while cahnging batteries with the PB in Sleep?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Thats true, except for the Duos and such.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Vaughn, to answer your first question...
** <NET.ANGEL> is here.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Welcome to the PowerBook RTC, Net.Angle. Glad you
could be here.
** <[Jim] JFLANAGAN> is here.
** <NET.ANGEL> disconnected.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Hi, Jim
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> If you have been inside Pluses and SE's,
and havent blown the CRT, you shouldnt have any problems with a PB. The main things are the ribbon cables and the sensitivity to static.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi, Jim.
** <[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN> was <[Jim] JFLANAGAN>.
<[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN> Hi all. :)
** <[Vicki] V.LINDSAY> is Monitoring.
** <B.FARKAS1> is here.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Bart!
** <[Bart] B.FARKAS1> was <B.FARKAS1>.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darryl - I understand that the Duos are really
tough to change a modem in. Can you comment on that?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Good. Ill be getting my PB soon and ordering the
modem separately. I know Ill be tempted to do it myself. Never taken my machies to a dealer, ever...
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> Hi, Something is wrong with GEnie! It took me 20
minutes to get from the main menu to here!
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darryl said the same thing, Bart.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Vaughn, just be careful. Because
technically is does void they warranty.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Bart: It is ridiculaous slow tonight. Also got
kcked of twice...
<[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN> Do you know if Apple's new Express modem is
available yet?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Doc, I havent have the chance to tear one
apart, and Apple STILL hasnt released the tech manual on it. But I have heard
the same thing.
** <NET.ANGEL> is here.
<[Kent] DRACO> Here comes that old "Angel" again...
** <NET.ANGEL> has left.
** <NET.ANGEL> FlashNews ExPress session starting *NOW* in room 4...
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> And gone again.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Jim, the modem is supposed the available
now. Its on allocation, and pretty hard to get one. But I hear they are really
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Who was that masked man?
<[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN> I've been invited to a rollout here in
Orlando I'm hoping to latch onto one then.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Anoboday care to comment on wither the CPU based
error correction is a big performance hit to the average user?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> (re: Express modem)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> I dont think it will be. But it WILL cause
problems when V.FAST hits.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Enlighten me (us), Darryl, wouldya?
** <[tom] T.JOHNSON88> is Monitoring.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> <a deathly silence falls as Vaughn points out the
hidden mike in the vase of flowers>
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> ~~~Tom! :)
<[Kent] DRACO> I was trying to figure out what system performance
problems I had with CPU.
<[Kent] DRACO> (so far none)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> I have heard that you can't really disable
the error correction, and that will cause compatability problems. But I could
be wrong.
<[Kent] DRACO> Darryl -do you own a PB?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Kent, No I dont, atleast not yet. I wanted
to see the Duos w/station before I got one.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Yeah. I wanted to see one too, before I ordered
the 160, but alas....
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> ...theyre hard to come by, dock, or no dock...
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Im in a circling pattern till I can play
with 'em.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darryl - My stuck pixel came unstuck. Do I need to
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Did it come unstuck after you had carried
it around. Or it happened while you were using it?
** <[#TiredAmy#] FUCHSIA> is here.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> One day I was testing something, and putting the PB
to sleep a lot. I eventually noticed that the pixel had come unstuck.
<[#TiredAmy#] FUCHSIA> hellos
<[Kent] DRACO> (did you just try beating the little sucker until he gave
<[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN> Hi Amy :)
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Amy!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Helloo, Amy! :)
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Hi, Amy.
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> HI Amy!
<[#TiredAmy#] FUCHSIA> <- sleepy
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Hiya Amy.
** <[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> was <[Jim, Reporti] JFLANAGAN>.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Had you been closing the top alot, or just
putting it to sleep then waking it up?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Just putting it to sleep and waking it up.
<[#TiredAmy#] FUCHSIA> brb folx
** <[#TiredAmy#] FUCHSIA> has left.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> hmmmm. Id probably take it in when the
pixel is acting up.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> if you take it in when its working right,
they wont do anything about it.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Ok. That's what I was thinking, too.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> <Maybe it just fell off and is on the counter top
somewhere around here.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Whats Apples latest policy on stuck pixels? Still
the five contiguous stuff?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Has anyone tried using SoftPC and its ilk on
a PowerBook? If so, what did you think?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Five pixel voids, or one stuck pixel
<[Kent] DRACO> What? You have to have 5 continguous stuck pixels before
Apple will fix it?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Vaughn, no change.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Haven't tried it, Jim.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Five voids, one stuck, Kent...
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> Kent, someone has developed a DA or some such,
that will add "fake" blank pixels to a screen.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> hehehe. Nice try but it won't work for
warranty work.
<[Kent] DRACO> That's qute... why?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Hehe. Yeah, Darryl, is it policy to boot with
extensiuons off now when testing???
** <STEVE.GANT> is here.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Steve!
** <STEVE.GANT> has left.
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> So they can add four to one to get apple to fix
<[Kent] DRACO> oh... hmmmm...
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Kent: suppose you had _four_ voids... Appple
would do nothing... so....
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> yes indeed. The SCSI port is disabled to be
tested and all that, so we don't boot from the customers HD at all.
<[Kent] DRACO> Vaugh -yeah - probably.
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> Well, I think I'll hit the hay, (just worked 14 hours)
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Darryl, do you see one type of PowerBook more
than any other in for repairs?
<[Bart] B.FARKAS1> bye all!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Bon appet-- I mean, Good Night, Bart!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Yeah, the PB 170. But I thinks its because
there are more of them out there.
<[Kent] DRACO> Bye Bart
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> According to Wolfson, if you have two or more voids
within an inch of each other in the central part of the display, it IS possible
to get a replacement.
** <[Bart] B.FARKAS1> has left.
** <[tom] T.JOHNSON88> not Monitoring.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> If you are having Pixel problems, call the
Apple 800 line and really bitch! They usually repair those customers PB's.
At least thats my experience.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> I don't suppose you know what AppleCare might cost for a PowerBook?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> By the way, next week here in the PowerBook RTC,
we'll have Richard Wolfson, author of The PowerBook Companion, here as our
featured guest. I hope you will all be able to attend.
<[Kent] DRACO> Yeah!
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Save me a Press seat. :)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> AC on the PB 170 is $528.00 per year.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Tell your friends. Bring a buddy. :-)
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Wow!!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> nyahhhhyahhyahh!%28?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Is it worth $528?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Yes.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Tell them what a daughter board costs, Darryl.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Well, nows the appropriate time to ask what those
offwarrant repairs average, since theyve been out for over a year...
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> But you shouldn't ever have to pay that.
Most dealers give deals on AC since there is a 50% markup, PLUS Apple pays for
the repair and for the techs time if they do a AC repair.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Its not uncommon the sale AC at 50% of list
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Basically found money, huh?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Well, that's how my Toyota dealer makes his
money. ;)
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Most repairs on PB's average $600.00
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> For them to offer a 50% off, the markup should be
100%, Darryl, if Im correct...
<[Kent] DRACO> Vaughn, I think you could be a good marketing man.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> errr. Isnt that what I said! <grin> You are
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> How much were you quoted for the daughter
board David?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> OK! <Grinning at the prospect of going to my local
dealer armed with that information...>
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> It started out at about $750. and finished at
$900.00 something.
** <L.RICCI1> is here.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> BTW, how much movement can the PowerBook take while the HD is active?
<[Kent] DRACO> Hello L.RICCI!
** <[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> was <L.RICCI1>.
<[Kent] DRACO> Hi Larry
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> yeah, with the integrated circuitry no the
PB's the repairs are expensive. Thar...
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> H'lo, Larry
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> namHi there. Mind if I lsten a while?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> err There arent that many parts you can
replace, so the cost goes up.
<[Kent] DRACO> You're most welcome to just listen, of course!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> I believe its a jostle. They cant take more
than that. <grin>
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> zero component repairs... just swap boards..
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1>
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> What happens when the plane you're on hits an
air pocket?
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> I have an interesting question: What is the
ULIMATE portable Mac?
** <[Jay@HelpDesk] METAPHOR> is Monitoring.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Good question. Jim. My last plane ride was real
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Hopefully nothing. They are able to
withstand low impact, or supposed to be able to.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Have your PB out? :)
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Would it be safe to use a PowerBook while
riding in a car (maybe driving.)?
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Question: What is the fastest fax modem, and
can I
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> An air pocket is not the sort of thing to
worry about. Its the sharp, abrupt mvements that cause the problems.
<[Kent] DRACO> Isn't there a ciggerette light adapter for the PB?
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> input it to a OCR package?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> There are fax modems now capable of 14.4
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> The new Faxstf Plus has built-in OCR for
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Brand Recomendation?
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> Kent, i saw two advertisded in Dec MacUser--$90
and $100 respectively.
<[Kent] DRACO> Thanks Leonard (but I don't read MacAbuser).
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> I plant to buy Apple's 14.4k Express modem
for my future PB.
<[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> A typical Red Label remark.
<[Kent] DRACO> :P
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Apples Express looks good, the ones from
Global village are nice.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Local Super store said Apple was 2400 max
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> The Express is brand new.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> GV lowered their modem prices about a month
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> How can I get Infor on NEW Apple Produx
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darryl, what are the new prices?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Past issues of GEnieLamp have info. :)
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Boy, at Apples product Ifor rate Past issues
of ANYTHING are questionable
<[Kent] DRACO> I have to vanish. Thanks for a good conference Doc. Good
to see you here again Darryl - don't be a stranger! Night all!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Im not really sure. I know the Gold dropped
** <[Kent] DRACO> has left.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Night, Kent.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Later Kent
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Darn. :(
** <[Leonard BBS] BIBLIA> has left.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Doc, the president of my comany wants me to
spec him out the ULTIMATE Powerbook. W,hat is it?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> We previewed the new PowerBooks and Duos in
the Oct and Nov issues.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Based on that, I say Duo 230.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Larry, either the PB230 Duo or the 180.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> I'd say the present ultimate is the 180.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> It's a moving target.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Why 180?
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> .sta
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Based on what has actually been seen by mere
mortals, Larry, that is...
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> 180 because of the active matrix screen.
** <[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> (Sent by 11) Any other questions for me, if not
I need to run to the Office.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> 230 because of it's potential expandability
through the docking station.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Speed of the 180?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> The 180 has the screen, the floppy, and it's easier
to work on than a Duo.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> 33 mhz 030 w/ FPU, Larry
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Price of the 180 is below a duo + doc I gues.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Well all, its past my bedtime. Are there
any other questions before I go?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> I dont think so, from what Ibve spec'ed, however
the choice of monitor for the dock could affect that greatly...
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> How do I log off this chat thing?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> type /exit
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Type /EXI
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> OK, in a moment.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Does the 180 work with one of those SCUSI
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Thanks Darryl. Hope you can be our guest again
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> The 180 has a direct video out port.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Darryl: What would be your recommendation for
minimum static protection when inside powerbboks?
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Larry - sure, but the built in video would be
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> Super. I l;ike 180 now!!
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> The whole nine yards?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> (given the price of the sucker, I think I answered
my own question) :)
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> You might be interested in the application.
Remote Video Confrenceing. The Salesman will carry the president to meeting in
a box.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Vaughn, static pad grounded, with you
grounded to it.
<[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> ACtive Matris is just the ticket for video
screen display.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Vaughn, you're using the 160 right?
** <[Larry in Nee] L.RICCI1> has left.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Jim: dont make me cry... its still two weeks in
the future. ddamned production planning and pipelines////!
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Wow, I don't know if I could wait that long.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Once I picked it out that is.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Makes two of us...
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Of course, my dealer pointed out he had a 180 in
stock, but my God, at what price!
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> The PBs and Duos just made it to Orlando this
week. They will sell out what came in at the rollout. So if I want one...
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> What price did he quote?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Down here? (Apple International prices) 4600 for
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> that is high.
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> well all. I have enjoyed it. I hope to see
you all on here again somtime.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> And those cruise ships are always talking
about how cheap electronics are in the caribe. :)
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Good night, Darryl.
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Bye, Darrly. Thanks again.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Makes me sick to have Apple USA policy but
International pricing... Its Apple, not electronics in general, Jim.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Cya Darryl!
<[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> Adios amigos
** <[Darryl Rains] MAC.GUEST1> has left.
** <[Jay@HelpDesk] METAPHOR> not Monitoring.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Well, I did see some good camcorder prices
once in PR. Bought Rum instead.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> I wish PR were exempt from federal active matrix
tariffs.. LOL! Good move, Jim!
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Perhaps the active matrix tariffs will be
lifted soon.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> So, how long before the Express modem becomes
widely available to the non-Duos?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Sure. After I get the 160, Im sure. :(
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> We may have an answer to that next week.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> According to MacLEEK, the Express should be
available this month for the 160/180.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> In quantity?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> I'm sure it won't be enough.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> What other 14.4 options are out there (rough
prices would be nice) anyone know?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Also, any FaxSTF user care to comment on Apples
fax software?
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> ...or anyone, regardless of comprisons to STF?
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> Of course, the good stuff is always late or
on back-order.Well... the PowerModem IV is $495. form PSI.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> I haven't used Apple's fax just stf.
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> Hmm. I wi=onder if I can use stf on Apples
<[Vaughn] V.CORDERO> 3 gets me 1 that it wont.... :(
<[Doc] D.E.JOHNSTON> Well, folks... It's time to call it a night. Glad
you all could stop by.
<[Reporter Jim] JFLANAGAN> FAXstf literally works on nearly all
faxmodems. And I recall that Apple is listed in the installation dialog box. :)